Wednesday, January 23, 2008

No One Mourns the Wicked

As most of you probably have heard, Heath Ledger was found dead yesterday in his New York apartment. Authorities suspect drug overdose. The actor was only 28 and has a 2-year-old daughter. I asked my roommate if he had heard the news and he had. He said that most people that he's talked to about it think that it was punishment from God for having been in Brokeback Mountain. I'm so glad that we're such a loving and compassionate people.


Kengo Biddles said...

I have to agree I'm so grateful that there are so many loving and understanding people in this world. I've heard the same idiotic suggestions. Apparently the Arse that protests soldier's funerals (suggesting that their deaths are due to God-given-retribution against homosexuals) is going to picket Ledger's funeral, too.

Scot said...

“He said that most people that he's talked to about it think that it was punishment from God for having been in Brokeback Mountain.”

These “most people” will meet their end too, and for what sin do you suppose they’ll “know” they were also cut down? They’ve got some super ability to read God’s mind, one has to guess by their proclamations. While they're at their divination, what sin did the 10-year-old leukemia victim commit? Whatever it was it must have been worse than playing a somewhat sympathetic gay man that was more than a 2-D cartoon stereotype.

Frustrating, but telling.

Abelard Enigma said...

... most people that he's talked to about it think that it was punishment from God for having been in Brokeback Mountain.

You're kidding, right?

Who are these people? Please tell me they aren't BYU students. Lord have mercy on us if this is the upcoming generation.

Romulus said...

Sigh, aren't people a bunch of assholes around here? A kid came to me and said that Keith Ledger had died, and asked me if I knew who that was, and I said, um, you mean Heath Ledger? And he was very adamant in saying that it was Keith Ledger. I told him that Heath Ledger was an actor and he was probably the person that they were talking about. He asked me what movies he had been in, and I said 10 Things I Hate About You and Brokeback Mountain. And then he retorted, well, then he probably died of AIDS. I was pissed and offended.

Andrew said...

aren't people stupid! no matter who you are, you don't ever deserve to die (I might change my mind, but whatever)... a quote from my favorite movie is this: "Many that live deserve death and many that die deserves life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too quick to deal out death in judgment for, even the very wise cannot see all ends."

Mark Johnson said...

I shared with some of the wonderful people at the Seattle Institute of Religion.

Chase said...

In my opinion at least those people who say that should probably put more concern into there placement in the afterlife. That film gave people a glimpse at a world that many don't understand, as demonstrated by those who damned Mr. Ledger. I am guessing all who said that were too "righteous" to see the film. Thank goodness that they weren't too righteous to damn him. This is when i like to believe in a hell :)

Craig said...

Unfortunately, Abelard, it is BYU students, and many, many others who think like this.

And Scot, something bad, like dying is God only punishing someone when we dislike what they do. When its an obviously innocent person dying, its just the way life is - not a punishment, but a sad reality.

See, you can twist anything to make if fit your idea of reality.

Anonymous said...

This proves it then - ignorance is indeed universal!!!

Following this line of thinking, all the other actors will now die some lonely, senseless death in rapid succession. And the producer and director - well, of course they'll be saved for last so they can watch in horror as the entire cast of Brokeback is reduced one by one to rotting corpses. Then, they'll get theirs!! They'll likely die some spectacular and cataclysmic death - perhaps having a meteor strike them head on - as is proper in these cases of God's indignation!


draco said...

Have you been watching Final Destination, Neal? lol

Anonymous said...

Wow, its been a while since I saw that one!

No, my Wicked one, I'm absorbed with "Make Me A Supermodel" right now. I'm drooling over Ben and, after this last episode, even Ronnie a wee bit...
